Facebook’s crackdown on third-party plugins to limit adblockers is hurting political ad transparency as it also shuts down tools built …

Torrents Morghulis. But why?
Streaming app company Hotstar is in a battle against torrents. Clearly, this will be bloodier than the latest season of …
India urgently needs responsible disclosure policy guidelines for security reporting
This year has been an interesting one for infosecurity in India. Major infrastructure services — from identity to payment services …

Turning the debate on India’s data protection laws
If the pizza guy tried to sell you a dildo, it would creep you out. You would look at it …

Amazon eating Whole Foods is nothing — entire industries are about to become toast
I doubt that Google and Microsoft ever worried about the prospect that a book retailer, Amazon, would come to lead …

On the couch? Your therapist may soon be replaced by a robopsychiatrist
Ellie, an AI therapist who thrives deep in the hearts of University of Southern California’s (USC) computers, can treat people …

Telemedicine needs a shot in the arm — a consumer experience that’s 10x better
With a paltry 0.7 doctors per thousand Indians and a very real access problem for people outside large cities, it …

Flipkart’s wannabe WeChat ambition is ill advised
Flipkart recently announced plans to launch a mother-of-all-apps that will go beyond shopping and allow users to do other stuff …

Churn at Uber HQ will dent its brand equity in India
Last year, two weeks before Christmas, Travis Kalanick flew in to New Delhi for meetings. Accompanying the Uber CEO …
Pay-what-you-want pricing may pull in the customers, but it’s often risky for the business
Imagine the following situation: You have eaten a sumptuous Bengali meal at a fancy restaurant. After wolfing down bekti fish …
While habits try to stick to you, your brain wants to try out new things — the push-pull works well for marketers
Think of the following situation. You are addicted to Coke and it’s an integral part of your monthly grocery list. …

Welcome to FactorDaily: Signals that help you read the future
FactorDaily turned one earlier this month and we couldn’t be more excited, more confident about the journey we started last …

‘In a battle between staying anonymous and being unmasked, there is no excuse for being unprepared’
Editor’s note: Anonymity on the internet has its pros and cons. It helps whistleblowers, but also gives rise to …
Did Uber just run its first test to boost revenue in India?
Once a product guy, always a product guy! I just noticed some neat A/B tests that made me wonder if …
I went off social media four weeks ago. Here’s why you should too
Four weeks ago, I decided to silence every little nagging voice in my head that told me that moving away …