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Pankaj Mishra
Writer, cofounder and CEO
Statement of Ethics
Author Stories
“The ideology spectrum is like a horseshoe magnet: both the ends are similar”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“When you break out of resistance you always come out stronger”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
Rahul Vohra of Superhuman on Product Building Blocks and the Future of Email
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
Outliers Season 4 Finale with Anand Deshpande
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
Quaranteenagers: Healing Today for Shaping the Future
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“Founders who are going to make it through are going to be thoughtful, decisive and empathetic”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“Have an insanely optimistic belief about the distant future”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“How do we explain our place in the universe?”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“It’s liberating to be in charge of your destiny”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“Time to reflect who are you as a company”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“Hope is not a strategy”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“I make peace with the worst possible outcome of every single thing I do”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here:
“Hobson’s choice of saving lives versus livelihoods.”
You can listen to the podcast and read the story here: